Mice Infestation

Finding mice in your home or business is distressing. We offer fast and effective treatment of mice including preventive measures to stop them coming back.

The problem of mice is a common one, especially in London where dense populations and abundent food sources create favourable conditions for mice to survive and breed rapidly.

Act Fast

If you spot mice in your home or business you need to act fast. Mice give birth to up to 15 young and can reach sexual maturity at just 8 weeks, so populations can grow very quickly. Left untreated, mice can spread disease through urine, faeces and saliva and cause significant damage to property including electrical cables, gas and water pipes which can lead to fires and floods.

Mice have the ability to flatten their rib cage and fit through holes and cracks the size of a pencil. Our experienced pest control tecnnicians are expert at finding and sealing points of entry using professional grade proofing products.

mouse poison bait station

Effective control of mice infestation is achieved over two visits, during which your technician will...

1   Initial Visit

On our first visit we'll carry out a thorough inspection to determine the extent of the problem and identify preventive measures to stop mice entering in the future. We'll lay professional grade poisons and traps in discrete locations to safely and effectively gain control of the problem.

2   Return Visit

Around two weeks later we'll return to remove waste and assess the effectiveness of the treatment so far. We'll implement the preventive measures and proofing works identified during the initial inspection and provide a detailed report on all works carried out.

Why Choose Us?

BPCA accredited technicians.

Fast response times.

Excellent customer service.

Discreet branding. No mention of pests.

Competitive pricing.

Fully insured.

Mice Treatment Prices

All prices include 2 visits

1-2 Bedroom property: £110.00+VAT

3-4 Bedroom property: £130.00+VAT

5-6 Bedroom property: £150.00+VAT

Commercial property: £POA

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